Example Usage#


Install the required requirements, clone the repository, and download the benchmark dataset.

pip install --upgrade pip
git clone https://github.com/FigCapsHF/FigCapsHF
pip install -r requirements.txt
wget  https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/41222934 -O benchmark.zip
unzip benchmark.zip

RLHF Fine-tuning#

To train a BLIP model with RLHF while choosing a human feedback factor

#Code edits to implement a baseline are also included in train_blip.py
#If training on CPU, add "--cpu" flag.
python train_blip.py --mixed_precision fp16 --hf_score_type helpfulness --benchmark_path XX/benchmark


Our RLHF Fine-tuned BLIP Model can be downloaded here (2.5 GB)

To generate caption for a single image

python inference.py --figure_path /path/sample.png --model_path /path/model.pth

To generate evaluation metrics on the test dataset

python test_blip.py --benchmark_path /path/benchmark --model_path /path/model.pth


To visualize example from dataset

from FigCapsHF import FigCapsHF
FigCapsHF = FigCapsHF("path/to/benchmark/data")
FigCapsHF.get_image_caption_pair(data_split = "train", image_name = "1001.0025v1-Figure5-1")

To visualize an example from the human annotated dataset and its associated annotations

from FigCapsHF import FigCapsHF
FigCapsHF = FigCapsHF("path/to/benchmark/data")
FigCapsHF.get_image_caption_pair_hf(image_name = "1907.11521v1-Figure6-1")

Human Feedback Generation#

To generate human-feedback metadata for the dataset

#embedding_model can be ‘BERT’, ‘SciBERT’, ‘MCSE’, or ‘BLIP’
#hf_score_type can be ‘helpfulness’,’ocr’,’takeaway’ or ‘visual’
from FigCapsHF import FigCapsHF
FigCapsHF = FigCapsHF("path/to/benchmark/data")
inferred_hf_df = FigCapsHF.infer_hf_training_set(hf_score_type = "helpfulness", embedding_model = "BERT", max_num_samples = 100, quantization_levels = 3, mapped_hf_labels = ["Bad", "Neutral", "Good"])

To generate a human-feedback score for a single figure-caption pair

#embedding_model can be ‘BERT’, ‘SciBERT’, ‘MCSE’, or ‘BLIP’
#hf_score_type can be ‘helpfulness’,’ocr’,’takeaway’ or ‘visual’
from FigCapsHF import FigCapsHF
FigCapsHF = FigCapsHF("path/to/benchmark/data")

hf_ds_embeddings, scores = FigCapsHF.generate_embeddings_hf_anno(hf_score_type = "helpfulness", embedding_model = "BERT")
scoring_model = FigCapsHF.train_scoring_model(hf_ds_embeddings, scores)

image_path = "/path/1907.11521v1-Figure6-1.png"
caption = "the graph indicates the loss of the model over successive generations"

embedding = FigCapsHF.generate_embeddings([image_path], [caption], embedding_model = "BERT")
inferred_hf_score = scoring_model.predict(embedding)